Wednesday, August 18, 2010

hungry? need to know what time it is? suicidal? then I'm your Dickenson Street Urchin

sorry this is a little late. Ill definitely turn Kings in on time


  1. dude lyle this drawing is awesome great texture, and great natural pose, stepping it up!

  2. I am digging how you pushed all of his upper body up and left him with those long legs. His expression is priceless. How does he fit all of that hair under his hat?!

  3. yo Zane. Thanks man!! I appreciate the compliment. Ive been doing a lot of life drawing lately, and I think it has been paying of.

    And Grant. I appreciate it man!! and I have no idea how he fits his hair in that hat, I think what doesn't fit just flows out the sides.

  4. BWA HA HA HA!! The dead fish cracks me up! I'm loving this little urchin! XD
